Friday 11 July 2008

Tiring week

I seem to have been just a bit under the weather this week...not ill enough to be off work, but ill enough to stop me sleeping and to leave me with a thundering headache at the end of each day which is not my idea of fun. It is now Friday and I am completely exhausted and ready for the weekend. However, the week has been successful as I have managed to complete the first draft of a paper I was writing and have given it to the other authors for their edits which means it is off my desk for at least three weeks clearing space for other urgent things. There is never a break in this job I can tell you!
Alex has been a bit variable this week as he is beginning to cut some more molars and they are giving him some gyp poor little thing. He is still a total joy to be around and really makes me laugh with some of his explorations into the world. His current trick is to stand up, then lean over and put his head on the floor while looking at the world upside down through his legs with his bottom raised high in the air...I haven't yet captured this properly on camera but it is very funny. We have had some fun outside in the evenings, but sadly the weather for the last few days has been too wet to go outside so we have had fun rampaging round the house instead playing 'hide' and seek. I usually hide just round a corner for him to try and find which he does with much squealing and giggling.
I have been too tired and lacking in inspiration to do much in the way of crafting this week but did manage to make these 'button fairy' ATCs following my raid on Mother's button boxes at the weekend. I have to say I think these are quite freaky in some ways, but I am pleased that I managed to make them. I have made two for the swap (the one with Alex's face on it and the one with the red wings) and one for me as a record of this as it is so unusual. I have seen other people do the tails of their button fairies by fastening little bells and things to them so I decided to use some matching beads and to coil the wire afterwards into two little circular coils. I think this has worked better than expected and I am quite pleased with them. I hope to have more inspiraton for crafting over the weekend so more then.

1 comment:

Hayles said...

I love the fairies! Very nice ATC's. :)